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462 lines
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from dspt_api.util.api.cinema_hall_seats import ApiCinemaHallSeats |
from dspt_api.util.api.cinema_plays_increment import ApiCinemaPlaysIncrement |
from dspt_api.util.api.ecard_refund import ApiEcardRefund |
from dspt_api.util.api.ecard_regist import ApiEcardRegist |
from dspt_api.util.api.ecard_renew import ApiEcardRenew |
from dspt_api.util.api.play_info import ApiPlayInfo |
from dspt_api.util.api.play_seat_status import ApiPlaySeatStatus |
from dspt_api.util.api.play_period_changed_seats import ApiPlayPeriodChangedSeats |
from dspt_api.util.api.play_seat_overview import ApiPlaySeatOverview |
from dspt_api.util.api.cinema_goods_pic import ApiCinemaGoodsPic |
from dspt_api.util.api.seat_lock import ApiSeatLock |
from dspt_api.util.api.order_buy_goods import ApiOrderBuyGoods |
from dspt_api.util.api.ecard_detail import ApiEcardDetail |
from dspt_api.util.api.ecard_order_detail import ApiEcardOrderDetail |
from dspt_api.util.api.ecard_seat_price import ApiEcardSeatPrice |
from dspt_api.util.api.seat_check_coupon import ApiSeatCheckCoupon |
from dspt_api.util.api.seat_lock_buy import ApiSeatLockBuy |
from dspt_api.util.api.ticket_refundv2 import ApiTicketRefundV2 |
from dspt_api.util.api.ticket_refund import ApiTicketRefund |
from dspt_api.util.api.seat_unlock import ApiSeatUnlock |
from dspt_api.util.api.ticket_print import ApiTicketPrint |
from dspt_api.util.api.ticket_info_by_qrcode import ApiTicketInfoByQrcode |
from dspt_api.util.api.ticket_info import ApiTicketInfo |
from dspt_api.util.api.order_ticket_flag import ApiOrderTicketFlag |
from dspt_api.util.api.order_status import ApiOrderStatus |
from dspt_api.util.api.order_info import ApiOrderInfo |
from dspt_api.util.api.goods_deduct import ApiGoodsDeduct |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.play_seat_status import MapiPlaySeatStatus |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.seat_lock import MapiSeatLock |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.seat_price import MapiSeatPrice |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.seat_lock_buy import MapiSeatLockBuy |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.card_get_goods_price import MapiCardGetGoodsPrice |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.order_buy_goods import MapiOrderBuyGoods |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.card_auth import MapiCardAuth |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.card_detail import MapiCardDetail |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.card_buy_info import MapiCardBuyInfo |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.order_tickets import MapiOrderTickets |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.card_recharge_log import MapiCardRechargeLog |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.order_list import MapiOrderList |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.order_detail import MapiOrderDetail |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.card_trade_query import MapiCardTradeQuery |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.card_jifen_query import MapiCardJifenQuery |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.movie_info import MapiMovieInfo |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.play_info import MapiPlayInfo |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.play_period_changed_seats import MapiPlayPeriodChangedSeats |
from dspt_api.util.mapi.play_seat_overview import MapiPlaySeatOverview |
# 通过api来匹配不同的接口文件获取推荐 |
# 返回推荐参数应该包含参数名,参数值,和是否勾选的状态 |
def suggest_params(member_type, api, env, cid, pid, ip, **kwargs): |
data = {'member_type': member_type, 'api': api, 'env': env, 'cid': cid, 'pid':pid, 'ip': ip} |
print('suggest_params: ', data) |
params = [] |
# 非会员 |
# 3.1.4 获取影厅座位图* |
if api == 'cinema/hall-seats' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('cinema/hall-seats') |
params = ApiCinemaHallSeats(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.1.6 获取放映计划列表(增量)* |
if api == 'cinema/plays-increment' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('cinema/plays-increment') |
params = ApiCinemaPlaysIncrement(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.1.7 获取某(几)个场次信息* |
if api == 'play/info' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('play/info') |
params = ApiPlayInfo(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.1.8 获取某场次座位状态* |
if api == 'play/seat-status' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('play/seat-status') |
params = ApiPlaySeatStatus(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.1.9 获取某场次座位状态(增量)* |
if api == 'play/period-changed-seats' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('play/period-changed-seats') |
params = ApiPlayPeriodChangedSeats(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.1.10 获取某(几)个场次座位售卖统计信息* |
if api == 'play/seat-overview' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('play/seat-overview') |
params = ApiPlaySeatOverview(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.2.2 获取单个卖品的图片信息* |
if api == 'cinema/goods-pic' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('cinema/goods-pic') |
params = ApiCinemaGoodsPic(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.3.1 座位锁定* |
if api == 'seat/lock' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('seat/lock') |
params = ApiSeatLock(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.3.2 座位解锁* |
if api == 'seat/unlock' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('seat/unlock') |
params = ApiSeatUnlock(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.3.3 混合下单(影票、卖品)* |
if api == 'seat/lock-buy' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('seat/lock-buy') |
print("kwargs['sale_type']", kwargs['sale_type']) |
print("kwargs['pay_type']", kwargs['pay_type']) |
data['sale_type'] = kwargs['sale_type'] |
data['pay_type'] = kwargs['pay_type'] |
params = ApiSeatLockBuy(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.3.4 单独下单(卖品)* |
if api == 'order/buy-goods' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('order/buy-goods') |
data['sale_type'] = kwargs['sale_type'] |
data['pay_type'] = kwargs['pay_type'] |
params = ApiOrderBuyGoods(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.3.5 混合退单(影票、卖品)* |
if api == 'ticket/refundv2' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ticket/refundv2') |
params = ApiTicketRefundV2(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.3.6 单独退单(影票)* |
if api == 'ticket/refund' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ticket/refund') |
params = ApiTicketRefund(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.3.7 查询订单状态及取票码* |
if api == 'order/ticket-flag' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('order/ticket-flag') |
params = ApiOrderTicketFlag(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.3.8 查询订单状态* |
if api == 'order/status' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('order/status') |
params = ApiOrderStatus(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.3.9 查询订单信息(影票)* |
if api == 'ticket/info' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ticket/info') |
params = ApiTicketInfo(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.3.10 查询订单信息(影票、卖品)* |
if api == 'order/info' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('order/info') |
params = ApiOrderInfo(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.3.11 查询影票信息(检票商闸机扫码)* |
if api == 'ticket/info-by-qrcode' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ticket/info-by-qrcode') |
params = ApiTicketInfoByQrcode(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.3.12 确认出票(设置影票为已出票)* |
if api == 'ticket/print' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ticket/print') |
params = ApiTicketPrint(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.3.13 卖品确认出货(扣减卖品库存量)* |
if api == 'goods/deduct' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('goods/deduct') |
params = ApiGoodsDeduct(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.4.2 联名卡开卡* |
if api == 'ecard/regist' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ecard/regist') |
params = ApiEcardRegist(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.4.3 联名卡续卡* |
if api == 'ecard/renew' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ecard/renew') |
params = ApiEcardRenew(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.4.4 获取联名卡详情* |
if api == 'ecard/detail' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ecard/detail') |
params = ApiEcardDetail(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.4.5 联名卡开卡/续卡订单详情* |
if api == 'ecard/order-detail' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ecard/order-detail') |
params = ApiEcardOrderDetail(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.4.6 获取座位的联名卡价格* |
if api == 'ecard/seat-price' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ecard/seat-price') |
params = ApiEcardSeatPrice(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.4.8 联名卡退单* |
if api == 'ecard/refund' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ecard/refund') |
params = ApiEcardRefund(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.6.1 添加券* |
if api == 'seat/check-coupon' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('seat/check-coupon') |
print("kwargs['sale_type']", kwargs['sale_type']) |
data['sale_type'] = kwargs['sale_type'] |
params = ApiSeatCheckCoupon(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 会员 |
# 3.1.2 会员卡密码校验 |
if api == 'card/auth' and member_type == 'member': |
print('card/auth') |
params = MapiCardAuth(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.1.3 查询会员卡的详细信息 |
if api == 'card/detail' and member_type == 'member': |
print('card/detail') |
params = MapiCardDetail(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.1.4 获取会员卡某场次的购票信息 |
if api == 'card/buy-info' and member_type == 'member': |
print('card/buy-info') |
params = MapiCardBuyInfo(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.1.5 获取有效的未出票订单 |
if api == 'order/tickets' and member_type == 'member': |
print('order/tickets') |
params = MapiOrderTickets(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.1.6 查询会员卡充值记录 |
if api == 'card/recharge-log' and member_type == 'member': |
print('card/recharge-log') |
params = MapiCardRechargeLog(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.1.7 查询会员卡历史订单 |
if api == 'order/list' and member_type == 'member': |
print('order/list') |
params = MapiOrderList(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.1.8 查询某条订单的详细信息 |
if api == 'order/detail' and member_type == 'member': |
print('order/detail') |
params = MapiOrderDetail(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.1.10 会员卡消费流水查询 |
if api == 'card/trade-query' and member_type == 'member': |
print('card/trade-query') |
params = MapiCardTradeQuery(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.1.12 会员卡积分记录查询 |
if api == 'card/jifen-query' and member_type == 'member': |
print('card/jifen-query') |
params = MapiCardJifenQuery(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.2.4 获取影片详细信息 |
if api == 'movie/info' and member_type == 'member': |
print('movie/info') |
params = MapiMovieInfo(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.2.5 获取场次详细信息 |
if api == 'play/info' and member_type == 'member': |
print('play/info') |
params = MapiPlayInfo(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.2.6 获取场次座位状态 |
if api == 'play/seat-status' and member_type == 'member': |
print('play/seat-status') |
params = MapiPlaySeatStatus(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.2.7 获取场次座位状态增量 |
if api == 'play/period-changed-seats' and member_type == 'member': |
print('play/period-changed-seats') |
params = MapiPlayPeriodChangedSeats(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.2.8 获取场次座位售卖统计信息 |
if api == 'play/seat-overview' and member_type == 'member': |
print('play/seat-overview') |
params = MapiPlaySeatOverview(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.3.2 获取卖品折扣信息 |
if api == 'card/get-goods-price' and member_type == 'member': |
print('card/get-goods-price') |
params = MapiCardGetGoodsPrice(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.4.3 座位锁定 |
if api == 'seat/lock' and member_type == 'member': |
print('seat/lock') |
params = MapiSeatLock(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.4.4 座位锁定后获取票价 |
if api == 'seat/price' and member_type == 'member': |
print('seat/price') |
params = MapiSeatPrice(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.4.6 混合下单(影票、卖品) |
if api == 'seat/lock-buy' and member_type == 'member': |
print('seat/lock-buy') |
print("kwargs['sale_type']", kwargs['sale_type']) |
print("kwargs['pay_type']", kwargs['pay_type']) |
data['sale_type'] = kwargs['sale_type'] |
data['pay_type'] = kwargs['pay_type'] |
params = MapiSeatLockBuy(**data).get_suggestion() |
# 3.4.7 单独下单(卖品) |
if api == 'order/buy-goods' and member_type == 'member': |
print('order/buy-goods') |
print("kwargs['sale_type']", kwargs['sale_type']) |
print("kwargs['pay_type']", kwargs['pay_type']) |
data['sale_type'] = kwargs['sale_type'] |
data['pay_type'] = kwargs['pay_type'] |
params = MapiOrderBuyGoods(**data).get_suggestion() |
return params |
def suggest_params_timestamp(member_type, api, env, cid, pid, ip, **kwargs): |
data = {'member_type': member_type, 'api': api, 'env': env, 'cid': cid, 'pid':pid, 'ip': ip} |
_timestamps = 0 |
# 非会员 |
# 3.1.4 获取影厅座位图* |
if api == 'cinema/hall-seats' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('cinema/hall-seats') |
_timestamps = ApiCinemaHallSeats(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.1.6 获取放映计划列表(增量)* |
if api == 'cinema/plays-increment' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('cinema/plays-increment') |
_timestamps = ApiCinemaPlaysIncrement(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.1.7 获取某(几)个场次信息* |
if api == 'play/info' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('play/info') |
_timestamps = ApiPlayInfo(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.1.8 获取某场次座位状态* |
if api == 'play/seat-status' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('play/seat-status') |
_timestamps = ApiPlaySeatStatus(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.1.9 获取某场次座位状态(增量)* |
if api == 'play/period-changed-seats' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('play/period-changed-seats') |
_timestamps = ApiPlayPeriodChangedSeats(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.1.10 获取某(几)个场次座位售卖统计信息* |
if api == 'play/seat-overview' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('play/seat-overview') |
_timestamps = ApiPlaySeatOverview(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.2.2 获取单个卖品的图片信息* |
if api == 'cinema/goods-pic' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('cinema/goods-pic') |
_timestamps = ApiCinemaGoodsPic(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.3.1 座位锁定* |
if api == 'seat/lock' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('seat/lock') |
_timestamps = ApiSeatLock(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.3.2 座位解锁* |
if api == 'seat/unlock' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('seat/unlock') |
_timestamps = ApiSeatUnlock(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.3.3 混合下单(影票、卖品)* |
if api == 'seat/lock-buy' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('seat/lock-buy') |
data['sale_type'] = kwargs['sale_type'] |
data['pay_type'] = kwargs['pay_type'] |
_timestamps = ApiSeatLockBuy(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.3.4 单独下单(卖品)* |
if api == 'order/buy-goods' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('order/buy-goods') |
_timestamps = ApiOrderBuyGoods(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.3.5 混合退单(影票、卖品)* |
if api == 'ticket/refundv2' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ticket/refundv2') |
_timestamps = ApiTicketRefundV2(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.3.6 单独退单(影票)* |
if api == 'ticket/refund' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ticket/refund') |
_timestamps = ApiTicketRefund(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.3.7 查询订单状态及取票码* |
if api == 'order/ticket-flag' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('order/ticket-flag') |
_timestamps = ApiOrderTicketFlag(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.3.8 查询订单状态* |
if api == 'order/status' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('order/status') |
_timestamps = ApiOrderStatus(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.3.9 查询订单信息(影票)* |
if api == 'ticket/info' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ticket/info') |
_timestamps = ApiTicketInfo(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.3.10 查询订单信息(影票、卖品)* |
if api == 'order/info' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('order/info') |
_timestamps = ApiOrderInfo(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.3.11 查询影票信息(检票商闸机扫码)* |
if api == 'ticket/info-by-qrcode' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ticket/info-by-qrcode') |
_timestamps = ApiTicketInfoByQrcode(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.3.12 确认出票(设置影票为已出票)* |
if api == 'ticket/print' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ticket/print') |
_timestamps = ApiTicketPrint(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.3.13 卖品确认出货(扣减卖品库存量)* |
if api == 'goods/deduct' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('goods/deduct') |
_timestamps = ApiGoodsDeduct(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.4.2 联名卡开卡* |
if api == 'ecard/regist' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ecard/regist') |
_timestamps = ApiEcardRegist(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.4.3 联名卡续卡* |
if api == 'ecard/renew' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ecard/renew') |
_timestamps = ApiEcardRenew(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.4.4 获取联名卡详情* |
if api == 'ecard/detail' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ecard/detail') |
_timestamps = ApiEcardDetail(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.4.5 联名卡开卡/续卡订单详情* |
if api == 'ecard/order-detail' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ecard/order-detail') |
_timestamps = ApiEcardOrderDetail(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.4.6 获取座位的联名卡价格* |
if api == 'ecard/seat-price' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ecard/seat-price') |
_timestamps = ApiEcardSeatPrice(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.4.8 联名卡退单* |
if api == 'ecard/refund' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('ecard/refund') |
_timestamps = ApiEcardRefund(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.6.1 添加券* |
if api == 'seat/check-coupon' and member_type == 'nonmember': |
print('seat/check-coupon') |
print("kwargs['sale_type']", kwargs['sale_type']) |
data['sale_type'] = kwargs['sale_type'] |
_timestamps = ApiSeatCheckCoupon(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 会员 |
# 3.1.2 会员卡密码校验 |
if api == 'card/auth' and member_type == 'member': |
print('card/auth') |
_timestamps = MapiCardAuth(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.1.3 查询会员卡的详细信息 |
if api == 'card/detail' and member_type == 'member': |
print('card/detail') |
_timestamps = MapiCardDetail(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.1.4 获取会员卡某场次的购票信息 |
if api == 'card/buy-info' and member_type == 'member': |
print('card/buy-info') |
_timestamps = MapiCardBuyInfo(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.1.5 获取有效的未出票订单 |
if api == 'order/tickets' and member_type == 'member': |
print('order/tickets') |
_timestamps = MapiOrderTickets(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.1.6 查询会员卡充值记录 |
if api == 'card/recharge-log' and member_type == 'member': |
print('card/recharge-log') |
_timestamps = MapiCardRechargeLog(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.1.7 查询会员卡历史订单 |
if api == 'order/list' and member_type == 'member': |
print('order/list') |
_timestamps = MapiOrderList(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.1.8 查询某条订单的详细信息 |
if api == 'order/detail' and member_type == 'member': |
print('order/detail') |
_timestamps = MapiOrderDetail(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.1.10 会员卡消费流水查询 |
if api == 'card/trade-query' and member_type == 'member': |
print('card/trade-query') |
_timestamps = MapiCardTradeQuery(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.1.12 会员卡积分记录查询 |
if api == 'card/jifen-query' and member_type == 'member': |
print('card/jifen-query') |
_timestamps = MapiCardJifenQuery(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.2.4 获取影片详细信息 |
if api == 'movie/info' and member_type == 'member': |
print('movie/info') |
_timestamps = MapiMovieInfo(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.2.5 获取场次详细信息 |
if api == 'play/info' and member_type == 'member': |
print('play/info') |
_timestamps = MapiPlayInfo(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.2.6 获取场次座位状态 |
if api == 'play/seat-status' and member_type == 'member': |
print('play/seat-status') |
_timestamps = MapiPlaySeatStatus(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.2.7 获取场次座位状态增量 |
if api == 'play/period-changed-seats' and member_type == 'member': |
print('play/period-changed-seats') |
_timestamps = MapiPlayPeriodChangedSeats(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.2.8 获取场次座位售卖统计信息 |
if api == 'play/seat-overview' and member_type == 'member': |
print('play/seat-overview') |
_timestamps = MapiPlaySeatOverview(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.3.2 获取卖品折扣信息 |
if api == 'card/get-goods-price' and member_type == 'member': |
print('card/get-goods-price') |
_timestamps = MapiCardGetGoodsPrice(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.4.3 座位锁定 |
if api == 'seat/lock' and member_type == 'member': |
print('seat/lock') |
_timestamps = MapiSeatLock(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.4.4 座位锁定后获取票价 |
if api == 'seat/price' and member_type == 'member': |
print('seat/price') |
_timestamps = MapiSeatPrice(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.4.6 混合下单(影票、卖品) |
if api == 'seat/lock-buy' and member_type == 'member': |
print('seat/lock-buy') |
data['sale_type'] = kwargs['sale_type'] |
data['pay_type'] = kwargs['pay_type'] |
_timestamps = MapiSeatLockBuy(**data).get_timestamp() |
# 3.4.7 单独下单(卖品) |
if api == 'order/buy-goods' and member_type == 'member': |
print('order/buy-goods') |
print("kwargs['sale_type']", kwargs['sale_type']) |
print("kwargs['pay_type']", kwargs['pay_type']) |
data['sale_type'] = kwargs['sale_type'] |
data['pay_type'] = kwargs['pay_type'] |
_timestamps = MapiOrderBuyGoods(**data).get_timestamp() |
return _timestamps |