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# 将接口请求的数据中卖品信息整理成列表结构
def format_goods(_data):
goods_list = []
for cate in _data['res']['data']:
for g in cate['goods']:
return {'res': {'status': _data['res']['status'], 'data': goods_list}}
# 将接口获取的卖品数据转化成请求参数格式
def general_goods_param(_data):
params = []
total_cash = 0
for g in _data:
_num = g.get('buy_num', 1)
info = {
'id': g['id'],
'type': g['type'],
'price': round(float(g.get('partnerPrice', g['onlinePrice'])) * _num, 2),
'num': _num
if g['type'] == 'package' and g['packageType'] == '2':
add_price = 0
optional_package = []
for key, val in g['user_select'].items():
member = []
member_id = []
for m in val['data']:
if m['id'] in member_id:
for item in member:
if item['id'] == m['id']:
item['num'] = item['num'] + 1
add_price += round(float(m['addPrice']), 2)
member.append({'id': m['id'], 'num': 1, 'add_price': m['addPrice']})
add_price += round(float(m['addPrice']), 2)
optional_package.append({'index': key, 'members': member})
info['optional_package'] = optional_package
info['price'] = round(info['price'] + add_price, 2)
total_cash = round(total_cash + info['price'] * _num, 2)
if g.get('discount1', False):
total_discount = 0
discount_list = []
if g['discount1'] > 0:
total_discount = round(total_discount + g['discount1'], 2)
{"discount_price": g['discount1'], "discount_name": f"现金优惠券{str(g['discount1'])}"})
if g['discount2'] > 0:
total_discount = round(total_discount + g['discount2'], 2)
{"discount_price": g['discount2'], "discount_name": f"现金优惠券{str(g['discount2'])}"})
if len(discount_list) > 0:
info['discount_price'] = total_discount
info['discount_detail'] = discount_list
total_cash = round(total_cash - total_discount, 2)
print('general_goods_param---------params', params)
return params, total_cash